Hello Health Group Editorial Policy

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Editorial Integrity

Our mission is to bring you the most objective, trustworthy, and accurate health information. Our daily goal is to ensure that Hello Health Group is your practical and relevant content source for health and medicine.

We are committed to providing information on a wide variety of health topics, and rather than filtering certain types of information that may or may not be applicable to any one individual’s personal health, we rely on you, our reader, to choose the information that is most appropriate for you. Be aware, however, that information on Hello Health Group or any other web site should not be used as a substitute for professional healthcare. You should always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on our site or any site.

The following sections detail our content policies and procedures.


Editorial Selection Criteria for Original Content Created by Hello Health Group

Hello Health Group creates original content based upon the following criteria:

Relevance — Issues that could affect how you manage your own health and that of your family’s. Topics include coverage of health news; drug and product launches, recalls, and alerts; health advisories; and expert commentary on managing diseases and conditions and staying healthy.

Clinical Significance – Sources and medical references used have referenced the latest medical findings published in peer-reviewed medical journals, such as The Journal of the American Medical Association, The New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet, Pediatrics, Diabetes Care, Circulation, and many others.

Trends — Seasonal interests, such as “Flood Safety,” “Allergy Seasons,” and “Cold and Flu;” public health awareness, such as “Breast Cancer Awareness Month,” and “Healthy Heart Month;” and emerging health trends, such as the latest in nutrition, fitness, disease prevention, healthy living, alternative approaches, and much more.

Our Content Is Different

It’s more reliable. In a medium often accused of providing outdated and inaccurate information, Hello Health Group stands out as a credible, authoritative source of health information.

Our news and feature stories are based on our editors’ selections of the most important and relevant health events occurring on a given day. Our news articles are more than a short summary of a study or an event. They often contain interviews with the medical researchers who authored them, plus interviews with objective experts who can put the research into context and tell the reader what it means in today’s world.

All of the medical information provided in Hello Sehat is reviewed and verified by healthcare professional.

Editorial Integrity — Hello Health Group ‘s journalistic responsibility is to make a clear distinction between news, features, reference, and other information, so that individuals can readily distinguish independent editorial information from paid, promotional information.

Editorial Independence — In its reporting, Hello Health Group maintains exemplary principles of fairness, accuracy, objectivity, and responsible, independent reporting.

Journalistic Excellence — Hello Health Group upholds traditional journalistic principles of excellence in reporting original news for the Internet and in reviewing and corroborating information from other sources.


Editorial Policy for Hello Health Group Editorial Staff

Anyone who serves on the Hello Health Group Editorial staff must fully disclose any potential conflict of interest with any sponsor or vendor.

Hello Health Group keeps its Editorial staff separate and distinct from staff dedicated to sponsors or partners. No person will serve on both staffs, no Editorial employee will be asked to perform duties on behalf of a sponsor.

The Hello Health Group Editorial staff is charged with the responsibility of providing objective, accurate, and balanced accounts of events and issues. Hello Health Group reporters must diligently seek out subjects of stories or qualified experts to provide commentary. They also seek objective commentary or comment from a qualified spokesperson to provide balance.

Hello Health Group journalists strive to provide thorough and honest coverage and share a dedication to ethical behavior and the highest professional standards.


News & Original Article Process

Each weekday, our editorial staff and medical advisory board plans the daily news “budget,” all stories planned for the day. It contains the latest information from the most important medical journals, announcements from federal health agencies, and analyses on the latest health trends. Our experienced health reporters talk daily with prominent medical leaders, providing in-depth analyses, updates, and profiles that give our health news and content a perspective found nowhere else. Every original article is reviewed by our medical advisory board of editors.

The Hello Health Group Editorial staff gets its stories from an array of sources: peer-reviewed medical journals, medical conferences, federal or state government actions, and enterprise material derived from interviews with medical experts. Hello Health Group  also believes that valuable content is available from Hello Health Group sponsors, advertisers, and partners, but that such content must be clearly labeled.

Each completed story to be published is reviewed by a medical editor for accuracy, appropriateness of medical language, and proper characterization of the findings. The story is then reviewed by an Editorial Editor who edits it for style, flow, punctuation, and readability. Finally, the story moves from editing to publishing on the site.

Licensed Content

When Hello Health Group licenses health and wellness content from third-parties for publication on our site, the Hello Health Group senior Editorial editors and medical editors review the third-party’s editorial policies and procedures for consistency with the Hello Health Group Editorial Policies.

Sponsored Content and Advertising

In using our site, you will see that some content, buttons, badges and banners are labeled “Sponsored”, “From Our Sponsor” or “Advertisement”. This content has not been reviewed by the Hello Health Group Editorial Staff and is not subject to this Editorial Policy. Content, buttons, badges or banners labeled “From Our Sponsor” are subject to the policy governing Our Sponsors. Content, buttons, badges and banners labeled “Advertisement” are subject to our Advertising Policy

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